Supporting the SPLC by shopping eBay
By bidding on several items on eBay within the next four days, you can help the Student Press Law Center and purchase parts of journalism history.
Journalism teacher Jan Ewell placed on eBay several The New Republic magazines containing articles that led to Stephen Glass’ discrediting as a journalist. These are the articles mentioned in the movie Shattered Glass.
Ewell said the magazines are no longer available from The New Republic or the library services that index or sell the magazine. To search for the magazines on eBay, open and search for 120623945822. That will get you to one of the magazines and you can find the others by clicking on a “see other items” link that allows you to see what else the seller is offering.
Magazines for sale are:
• Stephen Glass. “Probable Claus: A neurotic society turns on Saint Nick.” The New Republic January 6 and 13, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “Holy Trinity: How St. Paul, St. Peter and St. Warren made deficit-cutting the new gospel of American politics.” The New Republic January 27, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “Rock the Morons: Celebrating the inaugural with Rock the Vote.” The New Republic, February 10, 1997
• Stephen Glass. “Don’t You D.A.R.E. The anti-drug program called D.A.R.E is popular, well-funded and widespread. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work—and say so can get you in big trouble. The New Republic March 3, 1997
• Stephen Glass. “Writing on the Wall: The battle over motivational ‘art,’ corporate America’s hottest and cheesiest new fad.” The New Republic March 24, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “Spring Breakdown: A lost weekend with conservatism’s drunk, dejected and angry younger generation.” The New Republic March 31st, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “Cheap Suits: Larry Klayman’s zest for litigation against the Clinton administration has made him the heartthrob of the blue-haired Republican Ladies everywhere.” The New Republic October 6, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “On the Hill: Kicked Out: The GOP gets nasty with immigrants—again.” The New Republic October 20, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “No Free Launch: The scientific fictions behind the crusade against plutonium satellites.” The New Republic November 3, 1997.
• Stephen Glass. “Washington Diarist: Ratted Out” (Column) The New Republic, December 22, 1997.
• AND TNR’s page 8 “To Our Readers” revealing the results of their investigation.” June 29, 1998.