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#SJW11: Make a difference during Scholastic Journalism Week


Today is the first day to celebrate Scholastic Journalism Week

Your staff can celebrate by submitting a great story or broadcast that made a difference in your school or community or both.  See below for more details.  Let’s do this to document the great student journalism that is happening all over the country!


Is there a story your student media outlet has published that has made a difference in your school or community? If so, we would like to consider your story for publication.

The Journalism Education Association’s Scholastic Press Rights Commission is looking for such stories to showcase. Is there a story student journalists at your school have written that has made an impact in your school or community? We would like to hear your story and share it to encourage other student journalists.

We want to show scholastic journalists can — and consistently do — develop stories which demonstrate professionalism, make a difference in the lives of peers, school and community and exemplify research, responsibility and courage. The Commission hopes this work can be an inspiration to students, advisers, parents, administrators, lawmakers and professional journalists.

We’re looking for student journalism in any of its forms — electronic media, newspapers, yearbooks, multimedia — from this year or previous years. The submission should reflect student-selected content of high journalistic quality that had an impact on the school or community.

Include with submission:

* Statement about how this story made a difference

* Electronic version of the story – can be doc, docx, PDF, JPG, PNG, MP3, M4V files.

* Submit package for consideration to by March 1.

* Include contact information for person submitting package.

I can be reached at the e-mail address above if you have questions or ideas, or if your would like to Skype contact me , my Skype name is jblystone.

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