Today is Day of Action Day
for curing 30 years of Hazelwood
The SPLC has events scheduled throughout Jan. 31 to bring attention to the negative effects of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. This month...
Read MoreRecruiting the right kid: skills, attitudes
include accuracy, credibility, handling stress
by Candace Bowen, MJE Each semester, when I ask my freshman newswriting students at Kent State University why they chose a...
Read MoreMake it matter: Verification essential
as journalists seek truth QT46
by Kristin Taylor One key component of every journalist’s ethical code is truth. Given that Oxford Dictionaries named “post-truth” their...
Read MoreMake it matter: Scholastic journalism
must do more than give facts QT45
by Kristin Taylor How can student journalists keep their publications relevant when information spreads faster than they can report it?...
Read MoreStudent should ask permission to record
before interviews begin QT 44
As school begins, advisers often find now is the time for some legal and ethical reminders about interviewing. One of those areas easily...
Read MoreInterviewing ‘people on the street’ QT43
Four categories of sources exist: experts, authorities, knowledgeable and reactors (sometimes called bozos). The first three should be...
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